Corporate Management Services

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

Corporate Matters

Adams & Adams has a team of professionals with substantial knowledge and experience to assist clients in all corporate matters. Our services include:

  • Advising on all aspects relating to corporate legislation
  • Structuring of BEE transactions, charters and codes of good practice
  • Advising on, and implementing, corporate transactions such as the issue or transfer of shares, rights issues, share buybacks and similar transactions
  • All other contractual arrangements relating to incorporated entities and its members
  • Regulatory filings with the Registrar of Companies to amend corporate details of all incorporated entities and to amend and update CIPC records, as well as deregistrations

Company Secretarial

Adams and Adams has a dedicated Companies Section that undertakes company secretarial and related work. The members of the Company Section are specialised and experienced in providing full spectrum company secretarial services.

A partner in our corporate and commercial department oversees the Companies Section. The Section is led by a manager, who is supported by a dedicated and specialised team.

We have put systems and procedures in place in order to ensure that the Companies Section operates efficiently and effectively. Our specialists take pride in providing services of a high standard and are focussed on quick turnaround times. The team members are also experienced in providing services to high calibre clients and multinational corporations.

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SOUTH AFRICA: Development in the hemp and cannabis industry

In October 2021, the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, issued amendments to standing Regulations, which declared Cannabis sativa L, commonly known as ‘hemp’, as an a...


Contact one of our Corporate Management Professionals

Pierre Jacobs
Pierre Jacobs
Associate | Commercial Attorney