BOTSWANA – Adams & Adams Registry Visit


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An Adams & Adams team led by Partner, Eugene Honey, visited Adams & Adams’ Associate Office in Gaborone, Botswana and the Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) on 9 June 2022.

They met with the IP Registrar, Mr. Tim Moalusi, and the Assistant IP Registrar, Ms Malebogo Selemogo, to discuss Registry operations, IP developments in general and review outstanding matters. Mr. Moalusi advised that the Covid pandemic caused delays for the Registry, particularly in respect of renewals, oppositions and amendment recordals which the Registry is currently aiming to address. The Registry is engaging with WIPO on launching the online trade mark and patent application systems. In 2017 the Registry undertook a data validation process and between 2020 and 2021 a digitization process was completed.

The Registry, WIPO and key stakeholders had engaged to review the IP Act with recommendations made to amend the Act including the restoration of lapsed patents; setting up tribunals for hearings; and hypothecation. The Registry will report on further updates in this regard. A National IP Policy for Botswana was passed in March 2022, and while the policy is yet to be launched and distributed to the public, this will be attended to in due course.

Source: Menzi Maboyi

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From L – R: Menzi Maboyi, Jolane Kruger, Eugene Honey (all A&A), Malebogo Selemogo (Asst IP Registrar, CIPA), Tshepo Raditante (Associate Office), Lebohang Mosala (A&A) and Tim Moalusi (IP Registrar, CIPA).


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