KENYA – Rapper Bamboo awarded Sh4.5 Milliion (US$38500) in copyright dispute.

Adams & Adams |14/09/2023

After nine (9) years, Simon Kimani, more commonly known by his fans as Bamboo, a popular rapper now turned preacher, has been awarded Sh 4 500 000 (approximately US$38500) for Copyright infringement by one of Kenya’s leading telecommunications companies.

The infringement arose through the use of the telecommunications company of Bamboo’s songs, Mama Africa, Yes Indeed and Move On, as call back tones without his permission and/or payment of royalties.

Despite efforts to resolve the matter out of court, Bamboo was forced to approach the Kenyan Courts for resolution of the matter. Upon receipt of the judgment, Bamboo wrote the following message on social media:

“One of the principles of financial poverty is sin. Sin is the legal right for devils to steal the treasures that God has placed inside of you. That is why the temptation to sin is so strong, especially sexual sin. Can you see why Satan advertises sin all over the world? To rob you blind. That’s why Jesus died for you. To pay for your sin, and give you back your inheritance. Today, Africa is being robbed of their inheritance by the west. But that kind of robbery cannot take place when God fights for you. By the power of God’s word and righteousness, you can take back everything the devil stole from you. Hallelujah!!”

Bamboo’s victory is testament to the value of intellectual property rights and the ability to enforce such rights.

Source: Rapper Bamboo’s message after reportedly winning Sh4.5 million court case | Pulselive Kenya