We advise clients on structuring of B-BBEE transactions to derive the maximum benefit therefrom. We also provide regulatory and compliance advice on issues such as the interaction between the B-BBEE Codes and various charters which govern enterprises in specific sectors, the interpretation of the B-BBEE Codes and scorecards and the structuring of an enterprise to improve its B-BBEE profile. We also provide compliance advice and assist with transactions and the drafting of agreements relating to B-BBEE.

Contact one of our BEE Structuring and Compliance Law Professionals

Mia de Jager
Mia de Jager
Senior Associate | Litigation Attorney
Misha van Niekerk
Misha van Niekerk
Senior Associate | Attorney
Jac Marais
Jac Marais
Partner | Commercial Attorney
Thando Manentsa
Thando Manentsa
Partner | Commercial Attorney
Pierre Jacobs
Pierre Jacobs
Associate | Commercial Attorney