Patent Filing and Prosecution

Obtaining grant of a patent can be a time-consuming and sometimes expensive process, but litigation can be even more costly. Mistakes must be avoided at all costs then, and Adams & Adams has more collective experience than any other patent law firm in Africa – particularly in dealing with applications and the defence of patents across the globe. The patent team of Adams & Adams can guide you through the maze of patent application facts and potential challenges or objections.

Adams & Adams offers an exhaustive patents search and filing service for both local and foreign applicants and clients who wish to define and commercialise their invention or design in South Africa, Africa and globally.

Our team will assist with:

  • Matters of registrability
  • Technical and legal drafting
  • Local applications and filing
  • Overseas applications
  • Renewals
  • Revocation
  • Voluntary surrender
  • Amendments and corrections
  • Lapsed patents
  • Africa annuities

Contact one of our Patent Law Professionals

Alexis Apostolidis
Alexis Apostolidis
Partner | Head of Competition Law Group
Alison Levesley
Alison Levesley
Senior Associate | Attorney
Chris Nyarukowa
Chris Nyarukowa
Associate | Patent Attorney
Colin MacKenzie
Colin MacKenzie
Partner | Patent Attorney
Danie Dohmen
Danie Dohmen
Partner | Patent Attorney
Dario Tanziani
Dario Tanziani
Partner | Patent Attorney
Deborah Marsicano
Deborah Marsicano
Senior Associate | Patent Attorney
Gizela Lombard
Gizela Lombard
Associate | Attorney
James Davies
James Davies
Partner | Patent Attorney
Janice Galvad
Janice Galvad
Partner | Patent Attorney
Chris Nyarukowa
Chris Nyarukowa
Associate | Patent Attorney
Gizela Lombard
Gizela Lombard
Associate | Attorney
Marilé Fouché
Marilé Fouché
Associate | Attorney