Adams & Adams crowned IP Law Firm of 2020


Adams & Adams has been crowned South Africa’s Intellectual Property (IP) Law Firm of 2020. Africa’s largest IP law practice received top honours at the prestigious Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) awards ceremony held on 5 March 2020. The MIP for Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) took place at London’s Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square.

In its 15th year, MIP’s industry-leading awards programme recognises firms and individuals for their exceptional IP work and achievements. Based on market leading performance analysis, the MIP awards are strictly quantitative – ultimately designed to recognise teams that constantly deliver outstanding results on behalf of their clients.

Gérard du Plessis, Chairman Adams & Adams, says: “The MIP awards acknowledge attorneys of distinction who have demonstrated success in leading their clients in the specialist area of IP protection. For Adams & Adams to receive the highest accolade in this regard speaks to our ability and dedication in enhancing Africa’s IP legal environment and enabling our clients to remain unrivalled in their area of business.”

Established in 1908, Adams & Adams is an internationally recognised and leading African law firm, specialising in IP, corporate and commercial services. With primary offices in South Africa, namely Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, as well as branches and associate offices in various African countries, Adams & Adams has firmly established its place as the continent’s IP law firm of choice.

Du Plessis continues: “Adams & Adams has long been an IP powerhouse due to the experienced breadth of our practice areas, coupled with the fantastic depth in our professional team. To be rewarded for our in-depth legal knowledge and expertise is proof once more that clients can rely on our firm as a sound resource for their most challenging and intricate IP needs.”

The firm’s client base features multiple Fortune 500 companies, as well as budding small to medium enterprises (SMEs), all of which rely on Adams & Adams to protect their IP rights and commercial interests in South Africa and across various African jurisdictions. Adams & Adams remains the continent’s preferred IP law firm for enterprises looking to establish, protect, and monetise their IP rights in a slew of countries, with only a single point of contact.

Du Plessis concludes: “We remain committed to consistently developing and executing IP strategies that translate into competitive advantages for our clients, as Adams & Adams leads the field with exemplary service and masterful legal representation. I could not be prouder of our whole team, as well as the incredible clients we partner with. Being recognised as the IP firm of the year reflects the innovative work our teams are doing in the IP arena and the robust client relationships we have built over the years.

Gérard du Plessis
Kelly Thomson
Partner | Firm Chairperson
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