Recent successes in appeals for delays in meeting formalities deadlines for patent matters in Egypt

Egypt is one of several countries that still require applicants to obtain legalisation of certain documents when filing patent, design or trademark applications in that country. Failure to file the legalised documents within the deadlines provided often lead to lapsing of the right in question. Applicants are afforded the opportunity to file an appeal against […]

Adams NewsEgyptIntellectual PropertyPatents

Qualcomm and Adams and Adams Launch Free Online IP Training for African Innovators

Johannesburg – Dec 11, 2023 – Qualcomm Incorporated announced today, the launch of L2Pro Africa IP e-learning Platform, a free online training program designed to empower startups, SMEs, and researchers in Africa to protect, secure, and maximize their innovations. This program has been created in collaboration with Adams and Adams, Africa’s leading intellectual property (IP) […]

FIRM NEWSIntellectual PropertyPatentsTrade Marks

Common Sense Often Makes Good Law” [US Supreme Court Justice William Orville Douglas]: Mu Mecanicos Unidos S.A.S v The Registrar of Patents

The Court of the Commissioner of Patents recently handed down a decision which brings long awaited clarity and relief to the patent profession and applicants in South Africa.  The issue before the court was whether an applicant for a patent may request an extension of time within which to publish acceptance of a complete specification […]

Intellectual PropertyPatentsSophia Smallbones

New Regulations published for Agricultural Remedies in South Africa

On 25 August 2023, the Minister for Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) in South Africa issued amended regulations to the Fertilizer, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, 1947. These regulations will replace the previous Regulations relating to Agricultural Remedies as Published on 22 September 2006 as amended on 11 July 2008. […]

Alison LevesleyIntellectual PropertyPatents

Curbing Enthusiasm for Junk Patents in South Africa

According to WIPO’s international patent filing statistics, the number of patent applications filed in South Africa in 2022 jumped by 63.9% compared to 2021. The South African Patent Office records indicate that this growth was mostly attributed to foreign applicants, with most originating from China and to a lesser extent, India. Usually, an increase in […]

Intellectual PropertyPatentsRamon Pereira

Fashion never goes out of style – then why not protect it?

Fashion trends come and go, but for designers who take their creative work seriously, protecting the intellectual property (IP) rights of a design ensures long-lasting value. Entrepreneurs in the fashion industry need to be made more aware of the benefits of obtaining registered design protection for their creative IP. Most tend to turn to legal […]

Intellectual PropertyPatentsThapelo Mmotong

Change in Assignment Requirements in South Africa

Recently, the Registrar of the South African Patent Office published a practice note updating the formality requirements for assignments in patent applications. Previously, where an International PCT application claims priority from an earlier filed application in a Convention country,  assignments were not required for filing in the South African PCT national phase application if the […]

Adams NewsIntellectual PropertyPatents

Partial Patent Waiver for COVID-19 vaccines

Participating countries attending the 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland reached an agreement on 17 June 2022 to partially waive intellectual property restrictions on the manufacture and production of COVID-19 vaccines for the next five years. The partial waiver provides that developing nations may authorise the use of the […]

Charleen RupnarainIntellectual PropertyIPLive - welcome to our blog on IP commercialisationPatents

Patent Law for Beginners

Once you have conceived or developed an invention, it is time to patent that invention. However, the patenting process can be time consuming and complicated. It is advisable to consult and hire a patent attorney to assist you with the patent registration process. Even though your patent attorney will have the necessary skills, knowledge, and […]

Intellectual PropertyPatentsTrending Topics

Patent Search: A Brief Explanation

It is advisable for an inventor to acquire a patent when creating or designing a new invention. By obtaining a patent, an inventor can be sure that their invention is protected against others making use of, selling, manufacturing, advertising, or importing the invention without permission from the patent holder. In order to acquire a patent […]

Intellectual PropertyPatentsTrending Topics